Causes of unsmoothness of PVC hose surface and treatment plan

Causes of unsmoothness of PVC hose surface and treatment plan

In the production of PVC hoses have been encountered, the PVC hoses made out of the inner and outer walls are not smooth enough, there are many pits in the inner wall of the problem. In this case, the most important problem is the formulation and technology. If the inner and outer walls of the PVC hose are not smooth enough, it will not only affect the appearance of the pipe, but also affect the use effect. Therefore, the small edition of the special summary for you a few PVC hose made out of the internal and external wall is not smooth reasons, we encounter the problem can be ruled out one by one according to the following content:
1. In the process of making PVC hose, the reasons of poor plasticization and bad temperature control may be involved, resulting in the failure to fully melt the granules.
2, the amount of slip agent is not suitable, can adjust the dosage of a glide agent, increase liquidity.
3, is it the rule that only appears on the whole line? If so, check the mold.



